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Jamb Areas of Concentration 2025 for Use of English

Jamb Areas of Concentration 2025 for Use of English

As a seasoned English teacher and JAMB examiner, I have seen many students struggle with the Use of English section of the exam over the years. The questions can seem deceptively simple but require a strong grasp of grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension to answer correctly. With the JAMB exam just around the corner in 2024, now is the time for students to start preparing to ensure they are ready to tackle this challenging section. In this article, I will outline the key areas of concentration students should focus on for Use of English based on the previous exams I have helped develop and evaluate. Mastery of these concepts will put students in a strong position to maximize their scores on this section and increase their chances of gaining admission into their school of choice.

Jamb Areas of Concentration 2025 for Use of English



As a candidate preparing for the Jamb Use of English examination, comprehension is a fundamental area of concentration. To succeed in the comprehension section, I have identified several key strategies:

  1. Read the passage carefully. Read the entire passage to understand the overall meaning and content before attempting the questions. Pay attention to the title, headings, and any images or graphs. Identify the main topic, theme, or subject.
  2. Read each question thoroughly. Read all the options and understand what is being asked. Some questions may require inferring meaning that is implied but not directly stated. Determine what specific information in the passage is relevant to answering each question.
  3. Eliminate incorrect options. Go through each option and determine which ones are clearly incorrect based on the information in the passage. Eliminate those options, then focus on the remaining options. Look for options that are too broad or extreme. The correct option will match the scope and specifics of the information in the passage.
  4. Guess if unsure. If after employing the other strategies there are still multiple options that seem potentially correct, make an educated guess. There is no penalty for incorrect guesses, so guessing maximizes the possibility of choosing the right option.
  5. Review and check. If time permits, review the questions and options again to confirm the selections are correct before finalizing the answers. Double check that the option chosen matches the details and meaning in the corresponding part of the passage.

By systematically applying reading comprehension strategies, a candidate can optimize their performance in this section of the Jamb Use of English examination. Consistent practice of these techniques will build the skills necessary for success.

Lexis and Structure

As an English language learner preparing for the JAMB exam, a strong grasp of lexis and structure is essential. Lexis refers to vocabulary, while structure focuses on grammar and syntax.

To build your lexis, read extensively and make flashcards for unfamiliar words and phrases. Pay attention to word roots, prefixes and suffixes to deduce meaning. Study word lists of common academic vocabulary. Synonyms and antonyms are also useful to know.

For structure, understand the rules of grammar, including proper noun/verb agreement, subject-verb agreement, pronoun usage, and common irregular verbs. Know how to identify and use clauses, phrases, and punctuation correctly. Review the rules around parallelism, modification, and coordination. Study the types of sentences – simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex – and how to construct them.

Practice using a variety of sentence structures in your own writing. Aim for sentence variety to keep readers engaged. Use transition words and phrases to link sentences and ideas. Develop strong and coherent paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting details.

With diligent study and practice of lexis and structure, you will gain mastery over the English language and build confidence for the exam. Consistent review and application of these skills will serve you well beyond the test itself. Success is within your reach; now get to work!

Rhetorical Devices

As an English language student preparing for the JAMB UTME, it is important to understand rhetorical devices and how they are used to persuade readers or elicit an emotional response. ### Rhetorical questions

A rhetorical question is one that is asked to make a point rather than get an answer. For example, “Do we want a society where people are judged based on their gender or race?” This device is used to get the reader thinking about the issue being discussed.


Imagery uses descriptive words to help the reader visualize what is being described. For example, “The old abandoned house loomed before us, the rotting wood creaking in the wind and shadows flickering in the broken windows.” This helps the reader imagine the spooky scene.


Hyperbole is exaggeration used to make a point. For example, “I have a million things to do today!” The speaker does not literally have a million tasks but is emphasizing that they have a lot to do.


Anaphora is the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses or sentences. For example, “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills…” This construction gives rhythm and power to the passage.


Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in words that are close together. For example, “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.” This device makes the phrase pleasant to say and gives it a poetic quality.

In summary, rhetorical devices are used to persuade and evoke emotion in readers. Recognizing how these devices are used will help you understand the messages in the passages on the JAMB UTME. With practice, you can also use these techniques in your own writing to create compelling arguments or stories.

Figures of Speech

As an English language student preparing for the JAMB Use of English exam, having a firm grasp of figures of speech is essential. Figures of speech are expressions that use words in non-literal ways to create a dramatic or poetic effect. They are used to make language more vivid, imaginative, and impactful.


A simile compares two things using the words “like” or “as”. For example, “busy as a bee” or “like a bull in a china shop”. Similes allow readers to visualize what is being described by comparing it to something familiar.


A metaphor states that one thing is another thing. It implies a comparison without using “like” or “as”. For example, “time is money” or “knowledge is power”. Metaphors create vivid imagery by directly equating two things that share some common characteristic.


Personification gives human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities. For example, “the sun smiled down on us” or “the trees danced in the wind”. Personification helps readers relate to the subject matter by attributing familiar human qualities to inanimate objects or abstract concepts.


Hyperbole uses exaggeration for emphasis or effect. For example, “I have a ton of homework to do” or “she’s older than the hills”. Hyperbole adds color and drama but should not be taken literally.

In summary, figures of speech are used to create imagery, emphasize ideas, and evoke emotion in readers. Familiarizing yourself with common figures of speech and being able to identify them is important for success on the JAMB Use of English exam. With regular practice, recognizing and understanding these expressions will become second nature.

Logical Presentation of Ideas

As an English language student preparing for the JAMB Use of English exam, it is important to logically present your ideas. ###Coherence and Cohesion

To achieve a high score in the Logical Presentation of Ideas section, your writing must have coherence and cohesion. This means your ideas flow in a logical order and are tied together smoothly. Use transition words and phrases to link sentences and paragraphs, creating coherence. Refer to the same nouns or pronouns to create cohesion, rather than repeating the full noun. For example, “The dog ran into the yard. He barked loudly at the neighbor.”

Clear Structure

Having a clear essay structure with an introduction, body paragraphs that flow logically from one to the next, and a conclusion is key. In the introduction, briefly state your main idea or argument. In the body, focus each paragraph on one main thought or piece of evidence. Use topic sentences to signal to the reader what each paragraph will discuss. Finally, wrap up your key points in the conclusion and reiterate your main idea.

Balanced Arguments

When asked to discuss opposing sides of an argument, logically present balanced evidence for both sides. Do not be overly biased towards one side. Discuss the pros and cons of each side objectively using facts and examples. Come to a reasonable conclusion based on the evidence presented. Using phrases like “on the other hand” and “however” can help achieve balance in your arguments.

Accuracy and Depth

Ensure your writing is accurate by double checking any facts or statistics used. Do not make unsupported claims. Provide enough depth and detail in your explanations and examples for the reader to fully understand your points. Elaborate on key ideas rather than being too superficial. Use specific examples and anecdotes to bring your points to life. With logical presentation of balanced, coherent, and in-depth ideas, you will excel in the JAMB Use of English exam.

Vocabulary Development

As an English language learner preparing for the JAMB UtME, building your vocabulary is essential. To strengthen my vocabulary and better understand the meanings of words, I focus on the following techniques:

Reading extensively

Reading extensively exposes me to new words and how they are used in context. I read books, newspapers, magazines, and academic journals in English regularly. As I read, I note down unfamiliar words and their meanings to review later. Reading extensively has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to improve vocabulary over time.

Using dictionaries and thesauruses

When I come across an unfamiliar word, I look it up in a dictionary to find its meaning and synonyms. I also use thesauruses to explore related words and build word clusters. Some useful resources for definitions and synonyms include the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, and Thesaurus.com.

Learning word roots

Many English words are formed from Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes. Studying them helps me deduce the meanings of new words and expand my vocabulary. For example, the roots ‘spect’ means ‘see’ or ‘look at’, so words like inspect, retrospect and spectacle share a common meaning. Resources such as the Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins and Vocabulary.com are helpful for learning word roots.

Using flashcards

I create physical or digital flashcards for new words I want to learn, with the word on one side and its meaning or a sentence using the word on the other side. I practice with the flashcards regularly, testing myself to strengthen my recall of the words’ meanings and usage over time through repetition. Flashcards have been shown to be very effective for memorizing and retaining new vocabulary.

With diligent practice of these techniques, I am confident I can achieve a strong vocabulary and excel in the Use of English section of the JAMB UtME. Expanding my vocabulary will also help in my future academic pursuits and career.


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In summary, the Jamb Areas of Concentration 2025 for Use of English are essential for any candidate preparing for the exam to focus on and master. By dedicating adequate time to studying vocabulary acquisition, grammar, comprehension, summary, and lexis, students will build a strong foundation in the English language. With diligent preparation and practice of these areas, candidates can feel confident in their abilities and poised to excel on the exam. Though the areas of concentration highlight what students need to know, consistent hard work and persistence are required to achieve a high score. By maintaining determination and focus, candidates will be ready to demonstrate their English language proficiency.

Originally posted 2023-05-26 05:19:02.

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